I think it’s fair to say that everyone, irrespective of who they are or what they do would consider finding some form of personal fulfilment and happiness a priority. Popular belief says you need to work harder than everyone else if you want to be successful, put
Read more →Hypnosis is a deeply relaxing and natural state that we all experience several times during the course of a normal day, have you ever driven somewhere and not remembered the actual drive once you got there? Become engrossed in a good book, film or something on T.V?
Read more →We have all suffered from limiting beliefs, self-doubt and fears of some kind, the fear of failure or of being ridiculed is what stops most people from stepping outside their comfort zone, pursuing their dreams and living the lives that they really want to live. It can
Read more →The ancient Greek philosopher, Plato once said “likes tend toward likes” and Plato is still considered a pivotal figure in Western philosophy. The law of attraction is a widely believed in philosophy, the philosophy behind the law of attraction is that everything is energy and we can
Read more →Most people have seen how hypnosis can be used for entertainment purposes, you can probably remember seeing hypnosis acts on T.V, maybe you have even been to see a stage show and you might be wondering how hypnotherapy and hypnosis are different. Some people may be interested
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