Reduce Anxiety, Lose Limiting Beliefs, Increase Self Esteem & Confidence

I Offer One to One Inner Child Healing  Sessions & I Have A Group Program.

  • Meet Your Inner Child

  • Increase Self-Esteem

  • Lose Limiting Beliefs

  • Heal Generational Trauma

  • Learn To Forgive Yourself & Others

  • Understand Yourself

  • Heal CPTSD

  • Stop Negative Self-Talk

  • Improve Your Self-Image

  • Improve Relationships

Previous Inner Child Program Attendees Have Said

Pat Wann:

“I have done the course with Mark -nearly completed; it certainly is food for thought. Very inspiring talking with Mark and others on the course, really makes you look at where you have come from and why sometimes we behave the way we do. No fault / blaming etc, Its just really interesting. I think anyone with young children or even slightly older children would certainly benefit form the experience this course provides. My children are all grown up, I wish I had known more when they were younger. Also as a therapist I think it helps to give an insight into peoples behaviours/ habits/ problems etc.. A very well worth listen.”

Karen Gregory:

“I have just finished this 8-week course with Mark for Healing the Inner Child and building Confidence and it was really good and the exercises were really powerful. I have integrated my healed inner child and removed old negative scenarios from my mind, and I feel confident and positive! This course is well worth attending. Thanks Mark Stubbles”

Inner Child Healing Can Help With Many Issues in Adult Life.

It is said that children are only born with two fears, the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises, other fears are picked up as we grow. In prehistoric times it was essential that we learned what was safe and what wasn’t fast so we watched our parents and other tribe members to know what we should fear and what we shouldn’t fear. Fear kept our ancestors safe but in the modern world fear usually manifests as anxiety and anxiety is not that useful because we are now an apex predator and we don’t have saber toothed tigers roaming the street, living with constant anxiety can be very limiting it can cause sufferers to struggle with work and relationships. Fears, phobias and anxiety are usually picked up in childhood.

We learn by watching and imitating our parents and other carers, regularly witnessing your mother or father in a state of anxiety can have a long-lasting effect. As we said above children look to their primary caregivers for feedback on their environment. If you saw your parents constantly anxious you may have adopted the belief that the world is not a safe place and this belief could be causing you to suffer with anxiety yourself.

Anxiety is Natural

Anxiety is not a disease or a disorder it is a natural response to danger, anxiety is the mind’s way of keeping you safe. The symptoms of anxiety; increased heart rate, sweaty palms etc. would be useful if you were in a real life or death situation. The increased heart rate would be pumping blood to your muscles getting them ready for explosive movement so you could run and you would be hyper alert, looking for danger. When I suffered from anxiety I would get a lot of colds and other illnesses, because anxiety is part of the fight or flight response the immune system is weakened. If you were in immediate danger your body would not need to worry about viruses or other illness it would be concerned with making it’s escape and getting away from the immediate threat.

A little anxiety at an appropriate time is healthy and needed to keep you safe, excessive and inappropriate anxiety is the issue that many suffer with. Anxiety is a learned response and as such, it can often be unlearned with the use of hypnosis. Hypnosis is a great way to overwrite behaviour learned in childhood because it has been scientifically proven that until the age of 7 a child’s brain is mostly in a theta brainwave state, theta is the brainwave state we are looking to access with hypnosis. We enter this brainwave state every night, hypnosis is not slept but it is part of the REM sleep cycle, a hyper learning state where we can visualise more vividly and are open to suggestion. It is in this imprint period until the age of 7 that we learn the most, we learn to walk and talk, it is this learning that creates our reaction to situations and how we react to them when we grow up.

Hypnotherapy is a very effective way to relax and the more a person experiences hypnosis the deeper they are able to go into hypnosis, this is called fractionation and can help clients reach new levels of relaxation which may reduce underlying anxiety on its own. We can use hypnosis to remove trauma, change the story a client is telling themselves, desensitise clients to anxiety-inducing events, rehearse a situation that may be causing the client to suffer anxiety and much more.

Inner Child Healing for Trauma

Most parents are very loving and caring, they appreciate their kids and raise them in loving, stable environments but some parents see their children as more of a hindrance than a gift, they treat their children with contempt and see them as dumping grounds for their own toxic shame.

Children who grow up in such environments often develop a negative self-image, they get triggered easily and can experience emotional flashbacks, emotional flashbacks can manifest in many ways they can take the form of anxiety or panic attacks, uncomfortable feelings or violent outbursts.

If someone has a particularly difficult childhood they can develop CPTSD and in severe cases, personality disorders such as narcissism and borderline, survivors of childhood abuse often project their own insecurity and hurt onto others. Inner child healing can help adults who grew up in such environments to quieten their inner critic, reduce their anxiety and feel more secure in the world, most importantly it can help them recognise these patterns and understand them so they don’t hurt others or pass the same issues onto their own children.

A 2020 study found hypnotically structured treatment is particularly well suited for C-PTSD 

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