Controlling Relationships & How To Avoid Them

Controlling Relationships & How To Avoid Them

Think you are being controlled? Controlling relationships can manifest in various ways, often involving patterns of behaviour that limit the victim’s autonomy and well-being.  Several factors can contribute to controlling behaviour in relationships. Understanding these causes can help in addressing the issue, though it’s important to note that

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Can Hypnotherapy Cure BPD?

Can Hypnotherapy Cure BPD?

I do a lot, probably too much lurking in Facebook groups and I keep seeing questions like can hypnotherapy cure BPD? Can hypnotherapy cure CPTSD? Interesting questions that I thought would make an interesting post so I am going to stop lurking for a bit and answer

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How Effective Is Hypnotherapy For Anxiety

How Effective Is Hypnotherapy For Anxiety

Hypnosis is a very effective intervention for people suffering from anxiety. This study found that around 79% of people experienced a reduction in their anxiety when compared to control subjects.  I personally suffered with very bad anxiety which negatively affected all areas of my life. I tried

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