In this podcast episode featuring a guest James Marsh and I talk about how relationship dynamics change as we age.
Read more →In this first episode I tell my own story about how I grew up with low confidence, self-esteem and CPTSD.
Read more →I started asking myself what the situation and happenings I was witnessing said about me and what I must have believed about myself to have gotten into such a state, I looked back over my life and I started to see how I had come to adopt the beliefs I had. The way things had happened it was like the universe had conspired against me to show me my life’s purpose and led me to where I am today. I am committed to helping men who have had similar experiences overcome anxiety, complex PTSD, divorce and relationship breakdown.
Read more →The first thing to do is choose a day to stop and write it in your calendar the night before put any remaining fags, ashtrays lighters, matches, anything you associate with smoking in the bin and then empty it. Don’t leave anything you associate with smoking around
Read more →Smoking is becoming more and more socially unacceptable, smoking causes all kinds of problems and diseases. Hypnosis is the most effective stop smoking treatment according to the worlds largest ever scientific survey which combined the data from 600 studies covering almost 72,000 people from America, Scandinavia and
Read more →What’s the point of anxiety anyway? You might be wondering why nature would give you these anxiety symptoms. Well, the job of the subconscious mind is to keep you safe and out of danger and one way it tries to do that is through anxiety. Relax and
Read more →Employee engagement is the extent to which an employee feels passionate about his job. It is important for every organization because it can drive employee performance and make employees consider companies and their purpose, where and how they fit in. Is your employee engagement strategy feeling a
Read more →“When you change the way you see things, the things you see change” is one of my favourite quotes ever, I have mentioned it in another post on my blog. This quote reflects the fact that reality is subjective, different for everyone because everyone has different life
Read more →No one is completely sure what the phenomenon of hypnosis is, in my pre-talk that I give clients before a hypnotherapy session I tell them, “Hypnosis is not sleeping but it is a deeply relaxing state in which change can occur”. It is thought that hypnosis utilises
Read more →If someone has done you wrong or if you feel that someone has done you wrong you may be asking yourself why should I forgive them? You probably feel that forgiveness is like letting the person off the hook or accepting that what they have done is
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