Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) is caused by repeated and ongoing trauma from which there is no escape, CPTSD is commonly suffered by prisoners of war and children who grow up in dysfunctional families and it is a surprisingly common issue. Some estimates say that around
Read more →After ten years of traveling the world to learn from some of the great masters of philosophy and spirituality, Travis Fox teaches students of his academy how to unwind their mind and have fun doing it. Visit to learn more about Travis and Architect of Being.
Read more →In this episode Brenden Kumarasamy, a public speaking coach discusses public speaking and gives tips to help people interested in making a career from speaking in public. You can subscribe to the MasterTalk YouTube Channel.
Read more →I recently give a live presentation about anxiety, what it is and showed techniques to reduce it. Learn ways to reduce anxious feelings. Techniques and tips to increase confidence. Discover how you can stop anxiety controlling your life. Discover how you can stop anxiety affecting your relationships.
Read more →Have you ever wondered why you always attract what you don’t want? Is it because you were naughty in a past life? Karma or Fate? I used to ask myself why bad things always happened to me, still do sometimes but since I have become more aware
Read more →In this Rad Suvajatz & I discuss addiction, trauma, growing up in a war zone & stopping smoking. Rad specializes in NLP techniques that help clients work on achieving their goals, anchoring the resources they need and removing the mental blocks that prevent them moving forward in
Read more →In the latest podcast episode my guest, Leah Spasova and I discuss Kink, BDSM, Sexuality, Fantasies & Relationships. Leah is a social psychologist and educator, specialising in sex and relationships education for adults to learn more about Leah visit her website, If you would like to
Read more →Marco Stephano and I talk about trauma, confidence, relationships and how your childhood impacts your whole life. Always a seeker and learner Marco studied subject matters related to psychology, spirituality, metaview, counselling, coaching, relationships dynamics, therapy, leadership, mentoring, human and personal development, and neuroscience. He is counselling
Read more →In this podcast episode I interview Travis Bell from Travis say’s he uses his bucket list like a compass, it’s his motivation. It gives him purpose and brings meaning into his life. In the podcast episode we discuss happiness, purpose and much more. To see the
Read more →Due to the recent pandemic and social media I have had the opportunity to observe how we all project our our perceptions onto our reality, the vegans are taking it as proof that eating animals is bad, non vegans are taking it as proof that eating bats
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