🔍 The Hidden Art of Covert Influence: A Hypnotherapist’s Inside Perspective
Drawing from my unique background in both therapeutic hypnosis and sales, I share professional insights into covert influence techniques and how to recognize them. This eye-opening video explores:

The psychology behind NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
How the “Yes Set” and “No Set” techniques work
The science of mirroring and matching behavior
Different communication styles (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic)
How to recognize these techniques in sales situations

Learn how these methods are used both therapeutically and in business, and develop awareness to make informed decisions when others may be using these techniques on you.
⚠️ Whether you’re buying a car, house, or in any important negotiation, understanding these psychological principles helps you maintain control of your decisions.
💡 As a practicing hypnotherapist, I believe in transparency about influence techniques – both their therapeutic benefits and potential misuse.
🔗 Resources:

Inner Child Healing Workbook https://mailchi.mp/1b4d31add1f7/inner-child-workbook

💭 Share your experiences: Have you noticed these techniques being used in sales situations? How did you handle it?

#NLP #Psychology #Influence #SalesTraining #Hypnotherapy #Communication #Negotiation #PersonalDevelopment #BusinessStrategy #ConsumerAwareness

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